I sat in a stadium in 1974 and listened to the keynote talk on Sunday. In 1975, 6,000 years of Adam will have come to it's completion in fall. Whether it's a few months or weeks after that, the nations will know..... What will you be doing? Will you be out in service? etc.
What I really liked several years ago at another assembly, was the fact that they mocked those that had listened to that talk (and others) and believed that 1975 was Armageddon. They linked them with that guy who had a date for armaggedon to arrive - Harold Camping. hahaha yes those brothers had credit card debt hahaha except most loyal Jw's had sold houses and businesses to intensify the preaching - all the while being praised by the GB.- and then suffered afterwards because of listening to them. hahaha the joke was on them. And the last video the GB made on the subject - painted them as spiritually weak for believing them that 1975 was an important year.
Just goes to show that they rationalize, excuse and blame others for their own mistakes. And God? He must accept that hypocritical stuff from them because he's done nothing to correct them. Just like he accepts all the other religious hypocrites.